With the growth of technology and digital media, real estate agents need to innovate how they reach leads online. While you might think to immediately launch a paid social media campaign, creating a real estate blog and publishing search engine-friendly content is one of the best ways to establish credibility as a realtor. 

Blogging about real estate is an effective content marketing strategy to dominate online results. Not only does consistent blogging increase your reach and exposure on internet search engines, but you also establish a reputation as a credible source of real estate information.

Building your online reputation will not happen overnight. However, consistently sticking to a long-term content marketing strategy to push out informational articles will become a vital component to your lead generation, brand awareness, and search engine ranking efforts. Read on for more real estate article ideas to write about as a realtor – you will never run out of content for your real estate blog ever again.

Why Should You Blog?

According to the National Association of REALTORS®, about 93% of people used online websites to search for homes and about 11% looked online for information about the process of buying a home. This is a big chunk of people who are turning to the internet for information and shows how important it is for a real estate agent to use search engine optimization (SEO) and content marketing for their real estate business.

As a realtor, writing and publishing on your real estate blog will eventually help you dominate the internet search engines. The higher your blog ranks on the search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo, the more likely you will be reaching qualified leads as your business will become more visible online.

The benefit of starting a real estate blog is that it allows you to build brand awareness while providing your blog visitors with helpful content. Here are some reasons why you should blog:

  • To build trust with your website visitors and get them to return
  • To attract prospects and turn them into clients
  • To provide solutions and valuable information
  • To build partnerships strategically to further your business
  • To establish and grow your reputation
  • To rank on search engines

People are tired of advertisements and sleazy sales strategies. They do not respond well to blatant product placements and more than 91% of people say ads are more intrusive today than three years ago. These days, people are attracted to transparency and authenticity. 

By using your blog pieces as a conversion tool, you need to ensure your content builds trust in your skills and real estate business. About 78% of consumers state that they prefer getting to know a company by reading articles rather than advertisements. Meanwhile, about 70% of consumers state that they believe that businesses providing customized content want to build good relationships with them.  

Over time, blogging helps build this trust as people start to pay attention and listen to what you have to say about the real estate industry. With these pieces of content available, your blog readers will start to develop opinions about you, your brand, and your real estate business. If they find that the content you write is educational and valuable, they will think the same about your skills and business, establishing credibility. 

Studies show that content marketing gets about three times more leads per dollar spent than against paid search marketing. This cost factor is incredibly helpful for realtors starting out in the business, as content marketing has lower up-front costs and more long term benefits than paid marketing campaign alternatives. 

Paid campaigns in social media or pay-per-click search campaigns require more cash to get results, but posting on your blog builds momentum as time goes on. 

It is noted that small businesses that blog get approximately 126% more growth in leads than other small businesses that do not take the time to post content in a blog. Regular blogging works and is a powerful marketing tool. Blog with the goal to provide value to your web visitors and to be helpful rather than blatantly promotional. Your audience will trust your advice and recommendations when you give valuable information freely.

Develop Content for Your Blog

To start your blog, create an editorial calendar with content pieces you have planned out in advance. This ensures that you have a consistent pipeline of material to push out to your audience. If you post three articles in one week but do not write anything for two months, your audience will not come back for more information.

You need to compel your website visitors to come back for more information and reinforce a positive impression so your business will be at the forefront of their mind when they are ready to take part in the real estate process and retain a realtor.

A lot of agents tend to run out of steam and stop after a few months, especially if they spend hours writing articles but do not see any conversions or leads. Set benchmarks to track realistic expectations, as you may be able to see results within approximately six months of starting your writing and content marketing efforts. 

It takes some time for your blog content to start ranking on the internet search engines, which means that it can take some time for prospects to start finding and reading your articles.

Since it might be tough to come up with content to write about in the real estate industry, below is a list of 77 blog topic ideas to get you started. You will be able to write an article or two every week for an entire year! But try to create content about topics you know readily about, rather than trying to cover all the different subjects in the real estate world.

While it is helpful to give financial or legal advice, you should try to interview a professional CPA or lawyer instead (unless you specialize in such subjects). Supplement your insights with advice that is available by other industry experts or bloggers to provide alternate perspectives.

You should also read and interact with other interesting real estate blogs or bloggers that are well known in the industry. You will be able to get inspiration for your own blog or can expand further on a subject that another real estate agent touched upon briefly. 

Most of all, you can always add a personable spin. Nobody likes reading dry textbooks! Add some humor to your content to make you feel more relatable. Ultimately, make sure that the content and tone of voice you use to write fits your audience.

Become an Expert

Offering information about the local community, buyer/seller process, and providing general real estate advice will establish you as an expert online. But it takes more than simply posting up new articles on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. You need to take the initiative to optimize and promote your content to dominate the online search rankings.

With consistent publications, you will be able to expand your reach online and grow your sphere of influence. Investing and committing to posting on your blog will ultimately help you expand your real estate business. Make sure that every piece of content builds trust in your brand and promotes you as an authority figure in the real estate industry. Your blog posts will demonstrate your credibility and get your leads to trust in your skills as a realtor.

Search Engine Optimization Tips

Almost everyone in the real estate industry is fighting over ranking on common keyword phrases on the internet, such as “property for sale” or “homes for sale.” But rather than eyeing those keywords and competing with popular industry powerhouse websites, optimize for niche keywords instead. This is especially crucial to dominating the search engine in your local community or geographic farm area. 

For example, consider using keyword phrases such as “cheap homes for sale in Philadelphia” or “buy budget homes in Seattle.” These specific phrases have less competition and will attract qualified leads to your website looking for homes in a particular area. Targeting these niche phrases will make it easier for your blog posts to rank higher in search engines, eventually creating a better conversion rate from qualified prospects over time.

Websites with blog content have about 434% more search engine indexed web pages than the websites of businesses that do not regularly publish content. 

The more content you create around real estate topics relevant to your desired audience, the better your chances are of directing traffic from search engines and getting qualified leads. The more blog posts you have on your website, the more web pages that can be indexed in search engines, be ranked for more keywords, and be shown to potential leads. 

The more content you have on your website, the more visitors will stay on your blog longer as they read more of your previous posts. Higher on-site times is an indicator that your website has valuable content, which provides a positive impact on search engine optimization. In fact, firms publishing more than sixteen times a month get more than triple the web traffic than companies publishing a minimum of four articles a month.

Promote Your Blog on Social Media

It is crucial for a realtor to consistently distribute their real estate blog content. Market research suggests that approximately 77% of all readers on the internet spend their time reading blogs. Also, according to this study, approximately 57% of all respondents have reported that they managed to acquire a client through their company blog.

Beyond posting on your blog, social media plays an important factor in content marketing success. Ensure to promote new content you publish on your website to your social media accounts. This can be by posting links to articles on Twitter or LinkedIn. Social media is a great tool for you to utilize as you can expand your reach exponentially using relevant hashtags and geotagging when necessary.

Rather than simply blasting out links to your blog, make sure to engage with any comments. The whole point of social media is to be social, so the more engagement you get on social media will help you rank higher over time.

Blog Topics for Your Neighborhood

  1. Attend a town hall or public meeting and write about it
  2. Write about the religious denominations in your area, where they are located, and what time their services are held
  3. Write about a public policy that is important to the locals in the community
  4. Interview your neighbor and ask what they like about the neighborhood
  5. Make a comparison with your neighborhood and another neighborhood nearby, taking into account the cost of living and the average price of homes
  6. Interview a teacher from the local school area and ask what they like about the community
  7. Have a guide to dining at local restaurants in the area
  8. Take pictures of historic buildings or landmarks with interesting backgrounds and significance
  9. Take pictures at a local park and share any amenities available for public use (basketball courts, tennis courts, etc.)
  10. List places for people to eat, shop, and relax
  11. Note any upcoming local events such as concerts or shows
  12. Explain how to show appreciation for good neighbors
  13. Explain how to host a block party or community yard event in the neighborhood
  14. Take pictures of the community and capture a day in the life of a real estate agent
  15. Write about trips a person could easily take in a day or a weekend
  16. Explain how the area assesses property taxes
  17. Interview the local police or firemen about the community 
  18. Note local crime rates
  19. Share tips on relocating to a new place

Resources for Buyers and Sellers

  1. Explain how long a closing can take and what clients can expect during the process
  2. Have a list of books to help buyers and sellers learn more about the real estate process
  3. Write about key points you took away when reading a real estate related book or blog post
  4. Note any real estate scams that people should be aware of
  5. Create a checklist to help buyers and sellers
  6. Write about buying or selling a property or properties
  7. Explain about homeowners associations and how they can impact expenses
  8. Discuss any landlord issues
  9. Discuss any tenant issues
  10. Create a list of popular real estate definitions and industry terms
  11. Write a guide on how to identify overpriced homes
  12. Interview a local lawyer on their expertise about real estate laws
  13. Interview a local accountant on their expertise about property taxes
  14. Discuss the pros and cons of a property or home timeshare
  15. Write about the different types of mortgages
  16. Write what the client should know about home inspections
  17. Explain the reasons why someone should purchase a home warranty
  18. Share a moving guide for children and pets
  19. Explain the goal of holding an open house
  20. Discuss financing vs. cash
  21. Explain how to find or evict a tenant
  22. Explain the foreclosure process
  23. Discuss the benefits of renting a home vs. buying a home
  24. Discuss things to look for during an open house walkthrough
  25. Explain about a tenant’s rights
  26. Share how to refuse an offer
  27. Explain how to buy a property in another country abroad
  28. Discuss how inheriting property works
  29. Write about buying a house as a military veteran
  30. Write about buying a house as a senior citizen
  31. Write about buying a house as a person with student loan debt
  32. Note the best season to buy or sell a house
  33. Explain about auctions in real estate

Learning More About Loans and Mortgages

  1. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using a mortgage broker instead of a bank
  2. Discuss the importance of credit scores
  3. Note interest rates and fluctuations
  4. Share the latest news about mortgages
  5. Explain the loan pre-approval process
  6. Write about paying off property loans

Discussing Home Maintenance, Renovations, and Remodeling

  1. Explain the architecture or housing design styles in your local community
  2. Discuss any building or architecture trends
  3. Discuss the basics of interior design from paint to furniture
  4. Note any interior designing trends or styles
  5. Explain how to childproof a home to ensure safety in all areas
  6. Give tips on saving energy or conserving energy
  7. Give tips regarding overall safety (fire, gas, swimming pools, etc.)
  8. Provide landscaping tips from a local landscaping company
  9. Provide home maintenance tips
  10. Discuss best pest control tips from a local exterminator
  11. Discuss the best way to prep and paint a home
  12. Note how to avoid overpriced building contractors
  13. Share how to shop for appliances that save energy
  14. Explain the concept of feng shui and how to apply it to interior decorating
  15. Note how improvements in a home and how different renovations can affect rates of return
  16. Explain how to rehabilitate a home
  17. Explain how home value is determined
  18. Link or share DIY-specific home renovation tips
  19. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a fixer-upper


The Internet is crowded with tons of information, as each piece of content is constantly fighting for attention. Your goal is to get your name and business out there, the local expert – as a professional who is knowledgeable about the real estate process. As your reputation grows over time, more people will want to read and share what you have written.

Robert Earl

Robert Earl

Robert Earl

Robert has 20+ years of experience as a Real Estate Agent, Coach & Digital Marketer. Robert Earl is passionate about teaching and empowering others to pursue their dreams and create sustainable income. Whether through a career in real estate, affiliate marketing, niche blogging, or transforming campgrounds into thriving communities, his proven strategies and techniques have helped numerous individuals and businesses succeed. Based on his years of experience and knowledge in the online marketing industry, along with his hands-on management in the Real Estate & RV Park sector, he has crafted a unique and effective approach to personal and professional growth. In addition to his business pursuits, Robert is also a CrossFit Online Level 1 Trainer (CF-OL1) and enjoys fitness activities, including Rucking workouts while traveling the country. His multifaceted career showcases his dedication to growth, innovation, and the pursuit of excellence in various domains.

 robert@asktheearl.com  https://asktheearl.com/about/

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