You’re beginning a new career in real estate, and you’re not sure what to expect. You’re coming hot off the heels of years at the average desk job—a 9 to 5 with scheduled lunch breaks and a daily plan created for you. It’s safe to say a real estate agent’s schedule is very different.

A real estate agent’s daily schedule will look like this: Wake up early (before 7 AM), working out and your morning routine (until 8 AM), lead generation and prospecting (8-11 AM), lunchtime and a mental break (11-12 PM), appointments and meetings (12-4 PM), and the rest of the day is yours!

To put things in perspective and help you envision yourself as a new agent, we’re going to talk about the successful real estate agent’s daily schedule. We’ll go over your morning, afternoon, and evening and a few tips for scheduling your time best!

What Does a Real Estate Agent’s Schedule Look Like?

As a real estate agent, you’ll break the average workday into chunks. You’ll dedicate your morning to generating new leads and prospecting tactics. By the afternoon, you’ll shift your focus toward what brings the income—like meetings and appointments. Sprinkled throughout the day are activities that benefit you, such as mealtime, hobbies, and time with the family.

Real Estate Agent Schedule - Robert Earl
Real Estate Agent Schedule – Robert Earl

Let’s break down the day in the life of a real estate agent.

5:00 AM to 8:00 AM – Wake Up & Get the Day Started

The most successful agents wake up bright and early to get the day off on the right foot. So you should be ready to wake up somewhere between 5 and 8 AM, which might take some time to get used to. 

During this time, you’ll do what it takes to start your day off with energy and with minimal stress: A workout, healthy breakfast, and meditation session. For the real estate agents who double as parents, this time frame is for getting the kids ready and on the bus.

8:00 AM to 11:00 AM – Lead Generation

The next three hours of your real estate agent morning routine are for generating leads and prospecting. This period is primetime to arrange your next EDDM route, knock on doors in your neighborhood, call the hot leads coming down the pipeline, and scout Zillow and the MLS for FSBOs. 

You can not be successful by being a secret agent. This time from 8am to 11am is when you are the

11:00 AM to 12:00 PM – Brain Break (You Time!)

Even though you’re never really off the clock as a real estate agent, you need to schedule some much-needed “me time” during the workday. After all, your brain needs some time to rest, and, like a doctor or lawyer, you shouldn’t have to drop everything to be at your client’s beck and call. 

This hour-long slot is more than enough time to meet up with another agent for lunch, or a member of your business network, or a affiliate partner in a related industry like mortgage or title or insurance. You could also go for a nice walk, or even go for a swim in the backyard. (Think big)

12:00 PM to 4:00 PM – Appointments & Meetings

Coming off a relaxing and energizing lunch break, you’re ready to take on the rest of your day in strides. This four-hour block in your afternoon is for the activities that close the business you were generating in the morning. 

Afternoons should revolve around listing presentations, initial meetings with new buyers, touring properties, showing homes, and calling contractors. If you don’t have any meetings or appointments in this time slot, use this time to prospect a bit more.

4:00 PM to 5:00 PM – Tying Up Loose Ends

Your day is just about over and, if you’re lucky, your showings and appointments have all concluded by 4:00 PM or earlier. 

This last hour of your workday should go toward the basic housekeeping tasks that Realtors have to entertain—checking your email, following up with clients, confirming your appointment schedule for tomorrow, and responding to your social media messages and comments. 

If you run a professional website or have social media accounts, this is the time to update them. Create a new Facebook Ad, produce blog posts, or reach out to new followers.

5:00 to 9:00 PM – More Time For You!

The job of a real estate agent doesn’t end when the clock hits 5:00 each workday. You may still find yourself fielding calls from contractors still on-site and other buyer’s agents with clients looking to make an offer on your new listing. 

But generally, the last few hours of the night are your chance to unwind. So turn off your work phone, relax with your family, eat a hearty meal, and get ready to do it again tomorrow.

Realtor Daily Checklist – What does a real estate agent do on a daily basis?

No two days will ever be the same as a real estate agent. Some days will be easier than others, dedicated solely to prospecting and lead generation. Other days, your schedule will have five listing presentations and two property walkthroughs. 

So to make this easier, here’s a daily checklist of things your schedule should have:

  • Generating leads
  • Prospecting
  • Tending to your blog, social media accounts, and website
  • Following up with clients and hot leads
  • Scheduling contractors to visit and repair your new listing
  • Showing homes to buyers
  • Checking the MLS for new listings, FSBOs, expired listings, and more
  • Doing something you enjoy (your hobbies)
  • Working out
  • Eating healthy meals
  • Spending quality time with your family

As mentioned, not every day will include all of these. Be sure to prioritize what needs to be done first in your schedule. For example, it would be silly to spend your morning on cold-calling or preparing a marketing postcard for your geographic farm if your buyer lets you know they want to make an offer on their dream home today.

Tips for Designing the Perfect Schedule

Anybody looking to “make it” in the dog eat dog real estate world needs to have a real estate agent accountability checklist (like the one mentioned above). But if you’re new to being your own boss, you still might be at a loss.

Here are a few tips for designing the perfect schedule – what do real estate agents do on a daily basis:

  • Schedule your personal time before you plan out your professional responsibilities.
  • Stick to your schedule unless absolutely necessary (don’t drop everything to meet with a buyer who hasn’t even been pre-qualified or won’t sign a buyer’s agreement).
  • Get a real estate agent daily planner to schedule the day’s to-do list and check items off as the day progresses.
  • Use time-blocking to plan out each and every hour of your day.
  • Focus on what’s working (not every agent excels at social media, but you might see it’s bringing in tons of leads, so keep it up).
  • Don’t be afraid to say “No” (especially for clients who don’t seem serious).

You can also learn from other agents:

  • The Miracle Morning for Real Estate Agents (Available on Amazon) is a great book to help you take your career to a brand new level. It’ll explain in-depth why it’s so crucial to start your day early in the morning and improve productivity during the day.
  • Millionaire Real Estate Agent (Available on Amazon) is a good read if you’re stuck in a rut, looking to optimize your daily schedule, and earn your first million. Plus, it comes with a sample schedule that you can use as a basis for your new routine.
  • The One Thing (Available on Amazon) is a great read to help you with goal setting and focusing on the activities that truly matter in you day.

Looking to get your learning started now? Then set aside a few hours of your afternoon to listen to the audiobook for Millionaire Real Estate Agent today!


The typical day of a real estate agent can vary from day to day and week to week, but the best successful real estate agent daily schedule is the one that you follow on a consistent basis. Remember, what works for other agents may not work for you. So here are some general guidelines to remember when making your real estate schedule:

  • Focus on lead generation in the morning and appointments in the afternoon
  • Schedule your personal activities first when designing your routine
  • Give yourself time just for yourself to eat, relax, and have fun

And most importantly: Stick to your schedule. This is the only way to drive serious results and see your efforts really pay off.

Robert Earl

Robert Earl

Robert Earl

Robert has 20+ years of experience as a Real Estate Agent, Coach & Digital Marketer. Robert Earl is passionate about teaching and empowering others to pursue their dreams and create sustainable income. Whether through a career in real estate, affiliate marketing, niche blogging, or transforming campgrounds into thriving communities, his proven strategies and techniques have helped numerous individuals and businesses succeed. Based on his years of experience and knowledge in the online marketing industry, along with his hands-on management in the Real Estate & RV Park sector, he has crafted a unique and effective approach to personal and professional growth. In addition to his business pursuits, Robert is also a CrossFit Online Level 1 Trainer (CF-OL1) and enjoys fitness activities, including Rucking workouts while traveling the country. His multifaceted career showcases his dedication to growth, innovation, and the pursuit of excellence in various domains.

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